Talbot Gateway is the latest regeneration project for Blackpool, focusing on regenerating the area around North Station. Part of the focus is a bus/train interchange there and the revision of the 'town centre ring road'. A new through route for traffic would use Buchanan St, George Street, Deansgate, Topping Street and Dickson Road, leaving the section of Talbot Road around the current bus station and the Springfield Road/High Street area as public transport corridors on the shared space principle.
Plans are out to pre-planning consultation and show three basic bus routes:
1) Dickson Road Corridor- from Abingdon St, Talbot Road, Dickson Road, Springfield Road, High Street to new bus stops, then via Talbot Road (in front of old bus station) and Dickson Road (again). Return journeys are Dickson Rd, Springfield Rd, High St, Talbot Road. This would be served by routes 3, 4 and 15.
2) Terminating corridor - from Abingdon St, Talbot Road, Dickson Road, Springfield Road, High St, Talbot Road, Abingdon St - this would be served by the 2 and 2C
3) Talbot Road corridor - from Talbot Square via Talbot Road in both directions with stops at North Station opposite the site of the recently demolished bowling centre.
Other than the double loop for the northbound 3, 4 and 15 this seems quite positive - especially the two way operation up Talbot Road. However 'share space' is causing some controversy at the Winter Gardens and there are factions pushing for full pedestrianisation.