
Saturday, 17 July 2010

Repaint Progress

Prior to the launch of the new network on 26 June the paint shop has been busy repainting buses into the new livery. So far six have been treated in order of completion:

Trident 341
Trident 342
Excel 214
Trident 340
Solo 290
Solo 289
So far only 342 is understood to have received the vinyl 'swoops' and 289 has not yet been released from paint.

Excel 211 is now also in the paint shop though its not known if this is for a full repaint.

Meanwhile several buses have now received new destination blinds to accommodate the service changes. Many of the Dennis Tridents have been treated - previously the blinds only covered destinations for Lines 11 and 14. Interestingly Deltas 115 and 133 have also received new blinds and have lost their route branding.