
Monday, 6 September 2010

Spoke too Soon

As with most 'last days' the victims live on - the three black/yellow Deltas 101, 102 and 123 have had a stay of execution pending commissioning of the ex Anglian Volvos. On Monday 6 September 101 saw service on Line 1 and 102 ran on Line 14. 123 was noted on Line 11 on Tuesday 7th.

Line 1 has been turned over to Plaxton Centro operation as planned and at least one orange liveried Trident - 333 - has been seen on Line 14. Centros 527, 530-2 were noted on the 1; 529 on Line 11.

338 on what may be the last day of rostered double deck operation on Line 1 having recently lost its route branding
Line 3, 4 and 5 liveried Solos are beginning to get the wanderlust with at least one blue Solo noted on Line 17 recently and red liveried 251 and 253 on Line 7 today. Line 7 has experienced heavy loadings and now normally sees only 33 seaters - usually the 12 ex Line 2 green ones (the other two 284/5 are smaller buses) with frequent use of the four new liveried examples.

Despite the end of route branding the Solos have still be quite discriminatingly allocated with Line 5 liveried buses still normally used on that route. 251 and 253 had the opportunity to stretch their legs to Wesham today