
Saturday, 19 March 2011

Anyone want a Solo?

Four former Blackpool Transport Solos have been advertised for sale on Ebay by MGP Vehicle Solutions, a Birmingham based vehicle dealer. They are for sale for £14,950 and the advert can be seen here: EBay Classified Advert. 261-263 have already been reported as withdrawn but the identity of the fourth is not yet known.

Withdrawn Deltas 102, 119, 123, 125, 126, 132, 133, 365 and 366 were noted at Jackson's Coaches yard in Marton today.

Presered Atlantean 343 has been sold for scrap. Repainted into late 1980s livery last year it suffered problems with its rear axle and has been used for spares for another vehicle. It was sent for scrap today. Atlanteans 334, 353 and 362 remain in preservation.