Personal blog to record news and happenings about buses on the Fylde.
No connection to any operator or group should be implied.
Information may be re-used with acknowledgment. Photographs remain the copyright of the photographer and should not be posted to other websites or groups without prior permission of the photographer
Thursday, 21 July 2011
Olympian on the 10
Today Olympian 408 made a very rare appearance on route 10 - normally the domain of Solos. Here the bus waits time at School Road/Midgeland Road terminus
Familiar location - unfamiliar route. 408 heads along the Promenade, still branded for Line 1 but operating on service 10. 408 was not the only ECW Olympian out as 413 made an equally rare appearance on route 2/2C while 405 and 407 operated on route 20