
Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Olympians In Service and Trident trouble

Saturday 7th saw two of the venerable ECW bodied Leyland Olympians in use on main services with 405 observed on the 7 and 11, while 417 ran on service 9. The 20 resumed on Good Friday with two Tridents, but Saturday saw Olympian 368 in use alongside another Tridents. Tuesday, pleasantly saw 411 and 415 on the two workings -shades of last year. How long this continues is unknown with Tridents 347-349 awaiting entry into service and 350 now outshopped at Blackburn.

Meanwhile Trident 310 suffered a fire in the engine compartment on Talbot Road on route 9 on Saturday evening which required Fire Brigade attention as shown here in the incident log. How serious the damage is is not yet known.