
Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Seafront 12 Scenes

Views at the northern end of Seafront 12 RM1568, heads round Gynn Square roundabout
The latest addition to the fleet is RML887 seen here just south of Gynn Square

An archetypal crew pose as RML887 stands at the Cliffs Hotel terminus

Self promotion on RML2290 as it picks up at Gynn Square. Note the shelter - one of several of the 1990s  green and cream shelters to be fitted with a new flat roof and a repaint into grey

The new to Crosville VR coasts down to Gynn Square past Trident 314

Back on Saturday LTT's preserved PD3 529 was borrowed for a half duty on the 12 - this is likely to be a rare occasion as the vehicles will normally be drawn from the Classic Bus fleet (Philip Higgs)