
Friday, 14 April 2017

Round Up

Enviro 416 leaves Victoria Hospital for Knott End on service 2C, passing Citaro 554 (Paul Turner)
Last Sunday, 9th April saw the formal launch of the latest 25 Enviro 400s. All 25 were taken to Starr Gate tram depot which required the early trams to be lined up around the depot access loop. At 0800 the 25 buses  ran in convoy along the tram tracks to Rigby Road where 411 to 430 returned to depot and 431 to 435 continued to Tower Headland for display. 421 to 430 then rejoined them, while 411 to 420 were used for service.

Fellow 'blogger' Alan Robson has a post featuring his excellent photos linked here. Blackpool Transport has shared a Youtube video

Today, Good Friday, has seen a Sunday service, but with an extension of the 2C to Knott End. The 2C and interworked 17 has seen Enviro 400s with 416, 423 and 424 noted today. Enviros were also seen on the 1, 11 and 14, with Citaros observed on 5, 7 and 9. On Good Friday 409, 417, 410, 526, 529, 555 and 559 were reported on the 7 with a similar mix of vehicles on the Monday. Route 1 had old Tridents and Enviros on Good Friday but all Enviros on Monday.

343-345/8 are presently stored in the Preston Bus base near Asda in Marton having moved from nearby Jackson's coaches. Tridents 334 and 337 have been retaxed and may now be with new owners - two Tridents were observed on the M61 recently. 

Excel 219 left for scrap on Monday.